Special invisible location used for interchanging data between windows.
Set of window rules defining the exact behavior for almost any window in the
system. Can be changed via Configuration Module.
Configuration Module
Special program included into every Actual Tools program's installation package allowing
to change configuration.
Control Center
Special program included into every Actual Tools program's installation package that
constantly monitors windows and defines their behavior according to configuration.
Special Windows® folder that is represented as an area on the screen usually occupying most of the screen's
space. This area is a placeholder for the opened windows and the icons of special items (like "My Computer" or "Recycle Bin"),
shortcuts and other folders.
Settings file
File containing all window rules' options you changed and saved using the
Configuration Module.
Special window containing buttons for all opened windows and allowing to use those buttons for switching between windows.
Tray (system tray, Windows® tray)
Special area on the right of the taskbar, usually contains the system
clock and the icons of application working in background (antiviruses, firewalls etc.).
Window menu
Popup menu appearing after left-clicking on the leftmost icon of window's title, or right-clicking window's title or taskbar button.
Window rule
Fundamental element of every Actual Tools program that defines what windows
should be processed by the Control Center and in what manner. The former is defined by
the set of special criteria and the latter is defined by the set of options.